Journey The Road Home is the primary organization in the northwest suburbs dedicated to helping the homeless. They have dedicated staff and a permanent location, where caseworkers screen guests and issue PADs (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) ID cards. With support from volunteers and donors, they provide three meals a day and arrange housing—40 beds on-site, with the rest secured elsewhere. While the need far exceeds available resources, they continue to do their best to serve the community.
Our Commitment at Journey
This year, we committed to a humble once-a-month meal service at Journey. We began on January 5th, aligning with Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s birthday. Since Journey does not have a full-service kitchen, we need to bring pre-cooked meals, either home-cooked or procured from outside, for about 50 people. They have an oven for warming the food and large refrigerators. There are no strict dietary restrictions, aside from avoiding common allergens like peanuts. Guests prefer balanced meals, including meat and greens.
Partnering with OSLC & Journey
During winter, Our Saviour Lutheran Church (OSLC) partners with other churches to provide overflow housing, offering guests a hot dinner, a bed, breakfast, and lunch bags. Some of us continue to volunteer at OSLC, signing up whenever possible. OSLC hosts guests every Monday, and if anyone is interested in learning more or joining the effort, please reach out to me.
Approximately 30 nearby houses of worship collaborate with Journey to provide additional support. Last year, some of us worked with the PADs team at OSLC in Arlington Heights, which organizes the Summer Supper Program during the warmer months.
OSLC’s Summer Supper Program – 2025
OSLC’s Summer Supper Program will resume from May through September. Last year, we participated once a month on Saturdays. OSLC has a fully equipped kitchen, allowing us to cook meals on-site. I’m happy to share that our team has requested to sign up again for the 2025 summer season! Bruce, the OSLC manager, was delighted to hear that our support will continue.
Volunteer Training Requirement
To work independently at these locations, volunteers must complete a training program. The training is free but requires sign-up. It is essential to understand proper guest interactions and guidelines on what not to do. For example:
❌ Taking pictures of or with guests is strictly prohibited.
❌ Asking personal or probing questions is not allowed.
However, training is not required if you are working alongside already trained volunteers in roles like food service.
Continuing Our Mission Under the Guru’s Oneness Umbrella
While our support at these locations has been limited, we remain committed to serving those in need. Let’s continue making a difference together!